Six Day Schedule top players. |
The six – day schedule guys got started tonight – which
includes your humble scribe.
As you can see, some more “big” names arrived to challenge
for the title.
Now that the kid’s tournaments have finished, the eight
electronic boards that show the top games LIVE on line, are now split between
the 9-day and the 6-day top boards.
The link to watch or review games that have been played on
the top boards can be found at uschess
.org/tournaments/2013/usopen .
I am sure you can find it from there.
I missed my online poker league round tonight to play chess
at the same time on a Tuesday evening. Maybe Tuesday night is the problem,
because the result was the same – I got crushed and left with nothing.
I was playing black versus a young man Troy Zimmerman, from Wisconsin ,
rated 2008. My rating is a paultry 1513, but I have been studying my responses
to both e4 and d4 and I should be ready to at least hang in there for a while.
1. c4
1. c4
And then panic set in!
- …. Nf6
- g3 d5
- cd Nxd5
- Bg2 c6
- Nf3 Bf5
- O-O h6
- d5 Nb4?
As I played this move I literally could hear my coaches back
at LCCC screaming from outside the cage (or ropes if you are a boxing fan
instead of a UFC fan) screaming “Don’t do it! He’s setting you up!” But I didn’t
hear them until the knight was on it’s way to try and trap the rook on a1. Yeah
right, 2000 players fall for this all the time.
8. Ne1 e6
I saw this but still thought I was ok. Well I was not.
Lesson: never give tempos to 2000 players who know their openings and have
White against you. Bad things will happen to you.
9. e4 Bh7
10. Be3 Nd7
11. a3 Na6
12. Nc3 Nf6
13. Nd3 Nc7?!
Well my knight is back home from his vacation but at such a
cost. Five moves where White has developed and Black has shuffled pieces. And
…Be7 was needed here.
14. Qb3 Rb8
The battle for the d5 square is in full engagement, but my
poor a-pawn is asking “What about me?”
15. h3 ……
Calmly playing a move to keep my knight from harassing his
bishop x-raying my pawn at a7.
15. ….. Be7
16. Rfd1 O-O
17. Rac1 b6
![]() |
After 17. .... b6 |
I love this man’s game. He keeps loading up and does not start pawn gobbling until he has his entire army engaged. Very nice! But I
thought I may have found a way out of this. I took a long time on this move (12
minutes), and although it got fuzzy, I maybe saw a couple scenarios where I was
even or only down a pawn, but either way had counter-play. The third scenario
was not so good but I thought I still could battle on. So I went with it.
18. Ne5 Qe8
19. Qa4 Nb5!
My opponent took 22 minutes on his reply. I was sure he was
making sure that his assault would not backfire. I could tell that he had
missed my 19th move. If Nxc6, my Nxc3 looks difficult for him,
because with the c3 knight gone, his e-pawn is hanging. He looked concerned for
the first time. It is a small victory taken from a stupidly played opening by
yours truly.
20. Nxb5 cb
21. Qxa7 Bd6?
I was planning on playing Ra8 in this position back on move 17 during analysis when
everything was getting foggy. But the bishop move looked better - for some reason that eludes me now - so I was probably right the first time. But I don't think it would have mattered.
By the way, my opponent has only 20 minutes now to make it
to 40 moves, so I try to give him something to think about. But he only uses 5 minutes the rest of the way.
22. Nc6 Bxe4
23. Bxe4 Nxe4
24. Nxb8 Bxb8
25. Qxb6 f5
26. Rc6 Rf6
27. Rdc1 Qg6
28. Qxb8 Kh7
29. Rc8 Qh5
30. Rh8+ Kg6
31. Rxh6+ Resigns
Well I have two rounds a day starting tomorrow. I will try
to blog something in the morning. Probably the best of the two games played –
win or lose.