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White to make move #21 |
Congratulations to the winners: Gene M, Vince V, Mike N and John R.
Next week is casual or open chess night, so come on by, play some chess and have some fun.
Round 3 match ups will be posted as soon as your humble scribe receives them.
Lets pick up the Board #1 game at move 21. It is Gene M (W) vs Paul M (B). Notes by Gene M and your [humble scribe].
21. Qf3 Bxe5?
Rybka says (+1.6 for White) Rybka: 21...Qb6! (-0.3 advantage for Black)
22. fxe5 Qb6?
Rybka says (+3.3): 22...Ne4, 23. Qxf7+ and still (+1.6) for White.
23. Rcd1? -1.0
I underestimated the potential impact of Black's Queen pinning my d-pawn, and missed Paul's next move until I'd moved. I considered 23. exf6, Qxd4+, 24. Kh1 (Rybka +3.5), but although Black's Queen didn't seem dangerous in the short term, I was concerned about opening up too much space for it.
[Igor 3000 sees it this way: 23. exf6, Qxd4+ 24. Rf2, Rc3 25. Rd1, Rxf3 26. Rxd4, Rxf6 27. Rxf6, gxf6 28. Nxg5 (+4.6). White way ahead!]
24. Kh1 Rg5
25. Rfe1 Qd6
26. Re5? ...........
Rybka says (-3.5) Correct was 26. Kg1 (-1.1) [White was searching for a plan and that was not a good one.]
Rybka has it at (-2) 26........Ng4! (-4)
27. dxe5 Qxe5
28. Nxd5 Nxd5
29. Qxd5 Qxb2
Paul and I agreed after the game that an immediate Queen
exchange might've been better, allowing Black to be a pawn up in a simpler
endgame. However, Rybka thinks grabbing the b-pawn is okay with proper
30. Qd6 Re8
31. Qxa6 Qe2
32. Rg1 Qf2
33. Qa5 Re2
34. a3 Rd2?!
Rybka says the game is EVEN now. 34.....Kh7 -1.4, keeping the tension on White's King
and starting a King-side advance.
35. Qxb5 Qe2?!
Both Paul and I had under 10 minutes on our clocks by this time.
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White to make move 36. |
36. Qxe2 Rxc2
37. Ra1 Re5!
38. a4 Ra5
39. Kg1 f5
40. Kf2 Kf7
41. Ke3 Ke6
42. Kd4 Kd6
43. Kc4 Kc6
44. Kb4 Ra7
45. a5 g5?!
37. Ra1 Re5!
38. a4 Ra5
39. Kg1 f5
40. Kf2 Kf7
41. Ke3 Ke6
42. Kd4 Kd6
43. Kc4 Kc6
44. Kb4 Ra7
45. a5 g5?!
Rybka says (+1) 45.....Re7 =
46. Rc1+ Kb7
47. Kb5 f4??
Rybka says (+4.6): 47.....Ra6 (+0.2)
48. Re1! Kb8
49. a6?
[The game is now even as this completely gives away White's advantage.]
Rybka says 49. Re8+ (+4.9) Apparently losing the advantage.
Paul and I were trying to make our best end game judgments under [severe] time pressure.
50. Kc6 Rf7
51. Re6 h5
52. Kb6 g4??
Black Resigns 1-0
(53. Re8#) Rybka: 52.....Rf8 = where Black can turn his f-pawn into a passer, countering white's passed a-pawn and a draw.
(53. Re8#) Rybka: 52.....Rf8 = where Black can turn his f-pawn into a passer, countering white's passed a-pawn and a draw.
[But time pressure is a killer for any player!]
Why don't you include the opening moves so we can see the entire game? Beginning in the middle of the game is like going to the movies and walking in half way through the picture. Many people who analyze games will show the entire game but only comment on the sections they feel are particularly interesting.
ReplyDeleteHere is the start of the game Anon. The player who sent in the game asked that we now post the beginning. I'll print it here for you.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the input.
1. e4 e6
2. d4 d5
3. exd5 exd5
4. Nf3 Nd7
5. c4 Ngf6
6. Nc3 c6
7. Bg5 Be7
8. Be2 0-0
9. 0-0 h6
10. Bxf6 Nxf6
11. cxd5 cxd5
12. Qb3 Be6
13. Rab1 Rb8
14. Rbc1 a6
15. Bd3 Bd6
16. Qc2 Bg4
17. Ne5 Bh5
18. Be2 Bxe2
19. Qxe2 Re8
20. f4 b5
21. Qf3 Bxe5? +1.6. Rybka: 21...Qb6! -0.3
22. fxe5 Qb6? +3.3. Rybka: 22...Ne4, 23. Qxf7+ still +1.6.
23. Rcd1? -1.0