Wednesday, September 30, 2015

LCCC League 2015 is ON! Be Here Monday to Join the Fun!

We have a commitment from enough people to say the league is on for 2015.

It will probably be a 4 –team league. It will be at least a 3-player team, but we are hoping for the usual 4-player team. This will mean a double round robin 6 round league. We will play every two weeks or every three weeks, making room for the Holiday season.

But...the more....the merrier. LCCC can handle as many players as show up!

I cannot stress enough how much fun it is to play some semi-serious chess, against players of a similar strength to you, in a Team format! The league standings are always close due to our team –player seeding, so the excitement lasts all season!

Please be at the Club this coming Monday night at 6pm to secure your spot is the best chess league opportunity in the state. You will not regret it. Everyone is welcome.

White to move. Find the mate in TWO!
Now for a checkmate in TWO that even Igor3000 could not solve.

Your humble scribe tried to solve it and got nowhere after an hour. So I threw it in my chess analyzer Igor3000 and he could only find two mate in 3’s and one mate in 4 moves. That shocked the heck out of me.

By throwing out those lines and lines similar to them and all the moves I considered, it greatly lowered the number of possible move. On my third try at guessing, I loaded the correct move into Igor3000 and he immediately found the now – mate in one. Thanks for nothing!

So, enjoy the struggle! And remember, this puzzle confused a computer program rated 2967!

It’s nice to know humans can still come up with some things machines can’t conquer. And it comes from Otto Wurzburg and published in the Grand Rapids Herald and The Chess Review ….in 1933!

Chess is timeless, and that's why we love it.

The answer will be published in the comments…… if someone asks. Good luck!


  1. Took me about 1 minute

  2. Nice job! But what is the answer?

  3. Komodo running under Fritz on my computer solved it instantly.
