Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Week 101314 a Good Time – LCCC League Resumes Oct. 29 – and a Game

Chess is a game for the entire family!
We had fifteen players on this Monday night. Two league games played and the first round closed out. The standings are on the right side of the blog.
Also a lot of friendly games were played. It was a nice evening of chess.
The next round of the league on October 29, 7pm features these match-ups (first name listed has White):
49’ers vs Tigers
Mike N – Vince V
Paul M – Dave S
Americo M – Luigi M
Luca M – Marcello M

Oilers vs Thunder
Tim R – Gene M (postponed)
Luke S – Sam T
Tom H – Zach R
Zach K – Ted G

Below is a Ladder Tournament game – played as a Fischer Random 960 set up. There are some good lessons here. Fischer960 Ladder Tournament Game – G/55 min with 5 sec delay
Set up from left to right on the back rank - RBKNRQBN
1.      e4    e5
2.      Ng3    Ne6
3.      f3    f6
4.      Nc3   Ng6
5.      a3    c6
6.      Ba2   Bc7
7.      Nge2    Bb6
8.      Bxb6    ab
9.      Qf2    Qc5
10.  O-O    Bf7
11.  Ng3    O-O
Because this is a Fischer Random or Chess 960 game, both players are following solid opening principles, rather than relying on their “Opening Book” knowledge. Some of the opening principles on display here are:
1) Usually develop your knights before your bishops,
2) Restrict your opponent’s development by attacking the good squares for his pieces,
3) Trade your under-developed pieces for your opponent’s developed pieces – even better if he moved them a couple times as you pick up tempos (moves).
4) Doubling your opponent’s pawns is usually a good thing,
5) Castle early!
12.  Nf5    Nd4?
Black is eyeing White’s unguarded c-pawn and having his knight create havoc on the queen-side. The only problem is that after 13. b4! Black’s Queen has no escape squares. Check it out!
Black is left with 13. ….Nxf3  14. gf, Qxf2+  15. Rxf2 and White is up the exchange (+2.5). White - unfortunately for him - sees only the smaller prize of a pawn (+1.3), and doesn’t look deeper. 
13.  Bxf7?!    Rxf7
14.  b4!      ........
After White's 14. b4!
14. .......      Qf8
15.  Nxd4    ed
16.  Qxd4    Ne5
Igor3000 actually liked better for Black 14. ….Qc4  15. Nd6, Qe6  16. Nxf2, Qxf2 – with Black keeping both knights on the king-side and thus having a lesser deficit (+.8) due to his better position and attacking possibilities. But that is deep-thinking a computer can do a lot faster and with much greater accuracy than humans can.
Not only that, but the computer doesn’t feel the emotion of having just lost an exchange. So this suggestion made by Igor3000 is the type of move order a human would not even consider.
17.  Qxb6?   Nc4
White gets the lead and immediately gets sloppy!
Look for that response from your opponent right after you make a blunder. Often your opponent will go on auto pilot for a while - basking in his advantage. If you are diligent, often you can counter-strike during his mental vacation.
The simple 17.f4 drives the knight from the center of the board and eliminates all of the counter-play Black now enjoys.
18.  Qf2    Nxa3
19.  Qc5    Qxc5?!
The axiom “to take is a mistake” applies here (+1.7). Better is 19. …..  d6 (+1). The army that is behind usually does better with the more firepower it keeps. When ahead, trade pieces – when behind, trade pawns – is another chess axiom.
20.  bc      Rff8
21.  Rfc1    Nc4
22.  d4    Ra3
23.  Rxc3    Nxc3
24.  Na4    Rd8?
A wasted move expanding White’s lead (+2.7). 24. ….   Nb5, getting his Knight back to the center of the board was the best plan. Chess axiom: “A knight on the rim (of the board) is grim.”
25.  Nb6   d6
26.  cd    Rxd6
27.  c3    Nb5
28.  Na4?    Na3
White gives away ground (+2). Centralizing his king with Kf2 to help those strong center pawns is the proper plan.
29.  Nb2    Rd7
30.  Kf2!    Kf7
31.  Ke3     b5
32.  Kd3?   c5?
White’s Knight belonged on d3 as knights right behind passed pawns are a good thing. Black’s best idea is to lock up the kingside with g6, h5, etc.
33.  d5    c4+?
Black opens lanes for the White King to infiltrate – while entombing his own Knight! Black is basically down a knight (+3).
34.  Kd4    Ke7
35.  Nd1    Kd6
36.  Ne3    g6
37.  Ng4    f5?
Black admitted he somehow missed White’s following response, and now allows two enemy passed pawns (+5.5). The rest is matter of technique. This was not the fastest technique. But it still has some “endgame advantage pushed to victory” help for less experienced players.
38.  e5+     Ke7
39.  Nf6    Ra7
40.  Kc5   Ra7
41.  Kb4    Ra7
42.  d6+    Ke6
43.  f4    g5
44.  g3   gf
45.  gf    h5
46.  d7    Rh8
47.  Kc5    h4
48.  Kc6    h3
49.  Kb7    Rd8
50.  Kc7    Ra8
51.  d8=Q    Rxd8
52.  Kxd8     Resigns

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