Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fourteen on Hand This Monday

Chess exhaustion, some illness and some work commitments kept the attendees to a little less than usual, but it still was a fun night of chess.

The players played over some of the tourney games that were played over the weekend. That was an informative and fun time.

Terry G and Mike N gave some lessons, exercises and "chess homework" to some of the players.

One ladder game was played with Don J winning in a wild affair.

Just a note, lots of ladder games need to be played soon or the challenge comes down. The problem has been the "challengee" has not been present enough to claim a win from the challenger, so the challenge just goes away allowing challenges by other players.

If you have a challenge posted, so up and play it. If you don't sign up next week. It's a lot of fun and a great way to meet everyone at the club "over the board".

1 comment:

  1. So how did league night go this month? Who won their games?
