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Now for Part 1 of an article on a famous chess player!
Akiba Kivelovic Rubinstein was born December 12, 1882 in the Polish border town of Stawiski. It was then part of the Russian Empire. He was the youngest of twelve children. His family expected him to become a rabbi, but when he was 16, he discovered some chess books written Hebrew and the rest we say is history!
Akiba took to studying chess 6 to 8 hours a day for 300 days a year, for 5 straight years. Results came fast due to his enormous God given talent and tenacious work ethic.
In 1901, he won this beautiful game against a strong Polish master:
Nf3 Nc6
Bc4 Nf6
d4 exd4
O-O Bc5
e5 d5
exf6 dxc4
Re1+! Kf8
Bg5? ……..
This is a very dubious move. Much better is 9. fxg7, Kxg7 10. Ne5 with some compensation.
9……….. gxf6
10. Bh6+ Kg8
11. Nxd4!
This was the point of White’s combination.
11……….. Bxd4
12. c3 Bf5?
![]() |
Position after Black's move 12. …...Bf5? |
Missing 12. ….Be5! 13. Qxd8, Nxd8 14. f4, Nc6 15. Fxe5, fxe5 – leaving Black with a winning position.
13. cxd4 Nxd4
14. Nc3 Bg6?
This is a terrible blunder. Black has to give the knight on d4 more protection with 14. ……. C5
15. Re8+! Qxe8
16. Qxd4 Qe5
17. Nd5! Resigns
Mate is soon to follow.
More on Akiba Rubinstein next article.