Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Beginner's Tournament This Weekend! - And Chess Night 103017

 It was a Devilish good night of chess at LCCC on Monday. We had 8 players for casual chess and a couple lessons thrown in. See you next Monday - AFTER you attend:

All the King’s Men Chess Supplies and Brain Games             Home of the Universal Chess Club
An Unrated Beginners’ Open Chess Tournament
WHEN:     Saturday, November 4, 2017, starting at NOON. 
è        PARENT & PLAYER ORIENTATION AT 11:45     
WHERE:         All The King’s Men Chess and Brain Games
                        26640 Gratiot Avenue
                        Roseville, Michigan 48066
Take http://btcentral1.tripod.com/I-696.JPG EAST to Gratiot http://btcentral1.tripod.com/M-003.JPG EXIT 27 and go South [Right] to the FIRST turn-around.           OR
Take http://btcentral1.tripod.com/I-094.JPG tohttp://btcentral1.tripod.com/I-696.JPG West [exit 229] to Gratiot http://btcentral1.tripod.com/M-003.JPG EXIT 27 & go South [Left] to the FIRST turn-around

Entry Fee: $20.00 in advance OR at the door.
Registration/Check-in: 10:00 – 11:15.  Registration is considered LATE after 11:15.


Round Times: 12:00, 1:45, 3:00, 4:15. [all times PM]
Time Control: G/25; d5.  OR  G/30; With No Time Delay.
Format:         4-Round, Swiss Style, in TWO Sections: OPEN & RESERVE           
RESERVE Section is open to age 12 and under only.

Qualifications: ALL entrants must be UNRATED or have a rating LESS THAN 800 [U800] according to the latest USCF listings. ALSO, if you have previously won in a section, you may NOT play again in that section. Current MEMBERSHIPS in USCF [United States Chess Federation] or MCA [Michigan Chess Association] are not required. This is a WONDERFUL opportunity to WIN your membership in the USCF or the MCA. See prize list below.

                                                            1st = USCF Membership;
2nd  &  3rd = MCA Membership.
Equivalent alternative prizes for  currently active members.

ENTRIES and Additional Information:

Marcie @ 586-558-4790     OR     248-890-9039

Patsy: allthekingsmench@aol.com   Jack: chess.atkm@gmail.com

Monday, October 23, 2017

Casual Chess and Instruction - 101617

Another fun night of chess and instruction at the Club. Eight members were there.

Here are a couple puzzles to give your brain some exercise before tonight's club meeting. See you there!

Black to move and win.

White to move and win!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

A Very Nice Evening of Chess on Kid's Night - 100917!

Chess is a nice diversion on your lunch hour.
We had a crowd of twelve for this Kid's Night! We welcome newcomers to LCCC;

Scott C
Daniel C
Emma N

Welcome to your new chess home!

The next Kid's Night is November 13, 2017.  But of course everyone is welcome every Monday night.

Here is a speed (5minute) game from our resident master Jason, played on - line.

Even though these players are upper echelon caliber, speed chess lends itself to errors. Big errors.

Watch as the advantage switches sides or goes up and down. The ebb and flow of this game is entertaining.

White: Villain
Black: Jason
French Defense

1. e4             e6
2. d4             d5
3. Bd3          Nf6
4. e5             Nfd7
5. Be3          c5
6. Nf3          Nc6
7. c3            Qb6
8. b3            f6
9. Nh4??      fxe5??
10. Qh5       Kd8
11. Bg5+      Kc7
In the French Defense, Black can get away with not castling since the center is usually closed for a long time.

12. dxe5??   
White throws away a chance for the initiative with 12. Bxh7. Black has a (-2.6) pawn advantage.

12. .......        Ndxe5
13. Bf4         Bd6
14. Bc2        d4
Black gives up some of the advantage. With 14. .....Bd7 Black's advantage holds. Instead (-1.1)
15. O-O       d3
16. Bd1?      Bd7
17. c4??       ........
White's position goes further downhill (-3.7). Better was 17. Nf3, g6 18. Qg5.

17. .......        Raf8
18. Bg3        g6?
 Black advantage holds with 18. ....Nxc4 19. Qg5, h6 20. Bxd6+ Nxd6. Instead (-1.8).
19. Qg5        h6
20. Qe3        g5
Position after Black's move 20. ......g5.

21. Nf3        Rf5
The game is now very close to EVEN positionally.

22. Nc3        Rhf8??
A big error here by Black! 22. .....Kc8 was required, follow up with 23. Ne1, Nd4 24. Ne4, Bb8 and an even game. Instead Black is now losing badly (+4.6).

23. Nb5+      Qxb5?
Black needed 23. ....Kd8, as a last ditch effort to survive, followed with 24. Nxd6, Nxf3 25. Bxf3, Rxf3 26. gxf3, Nd4. Instead Black is dead lost (+8.4).

24. cxb5       Nxf3+
25. Bxf3       Nd4
26. Bxd6+    Kxd6
27. Qxd3?     ........
Now White slips up a little as 27. Bxb7 secures the win. (+5.5).

27. ......      Bxb5
28. Qe4         Bc6
29. Qd3        Rxf3?
Black doesn't help himself as 29. .....Bb5, 30. Qe3, Bxf1 31. Rxf1, Re5 was needed. Instead now (+6.5).

30. gxf3        Kc7
31. Qh7+      Kb6
32. Kg2??     ........
Time pressure is now an issue for both players. Just wrong, wrong, wrong as the simple 32. h3 holds the advantage. The game is now EVEN.

32. .........        Rxf3
33. Kg1???     Ne2+
34. Kg2         Rg3 mate.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Casual Chess on 092517 and 100217 - Kids Night Next Monday!

E. Lasker (left) vs a very young S. Reshevsky. You see age is not an issue.
Casual chess, game review, position studies and lessons were all part of the last two Mondays at LCCC.
Relaxing and fun nights of chess with plenty of different opponents available.
Next Monday - Oct 10, 2017 - will be our monthly Kid's Night.

So whether you have kids or not, you should be here on Monday because there will be plenty of new opponents available. And don't let their lack of experience or height full you. Many of these kids can play some chess.

If you do have kids, its a great family night out. It starts at 6pm and goes til 8pm.

Now here is an interesting game with White by a little known American chess master, George Shainswit. He was a top 10 American player in the early 1950's and reached as high as 8th in the USCF rankings.

In this wacky game Black (Philip Woliston - no slouch either) is lost after a dozen moves and was completely immobilized by move 28.

1. c4            Nf6
2. Nf3         g6
3. d4            Bg7
4. g3            c6
5. Bg2         O-O
6. O-O         d5
7. Qb3          Nbd7
8. cxd5        cxd5
9. Nc3          Qa5
10. Bd2        Rd8?
The first little error as White is up (+1.3) according to Igor3000. Black needed 10. .....Nb8, 11. Na4, Qa6.

11. Nb5        Qb6
12. Qa4        Qa6
13. Qb4        Qb6
14. Qa4        Qa6
15. Qb3        Qb6
These repeat moves are to help meet the time control of 40 moves in two hours. A standard ploy in top level chess to help 'beat the clock'.

16. Bf4          Rf8?
17. Nc7         Qxb3?
Error number two. Black needed 17. ....Rb8. Now White is up (+2.7) now.

18. axb3        Rb8
19. Nb5         Ra8
20. Nc7         Rb8
21. Rxa7        b6?
 Error number 3. Now it is getting seriously bad for Black. The space grabbing 21. ....b5 was better. White is now up (+3.1).

22. Rfa1         Rb7
23. Ne5          Rxa7
24. Rxa7        e6?
Error number four. Not a game saver but 24. ......Nxe5 allows more fight. White up (+4.2).

25. Nc6          Kh8
26. Bd6          Rg8
27. Ne7          Rf8
28. Nc6?        Rg8
White stumbles here (+2). 28. Nb5 keeps the firm grip on the position.

29. Ne7          Rf8
30. e3             h6??
Error number five. 30. ....Ne4 holds longer. White by (+5.3).

31. f3             Nh5?
Error number six. Bad positions lead to errors. 31. .....Nb8 was the only chance for Black to get some counter-play. White by (+6.5).

32. g4?           Nhf6
Error number two for White as he loses some advantage here. 32. Nxe6 secures the win.(+3.6).

33. Bf1           Nh7?
The fatal mistake by Black. 33. .....Nb8 was needed.

34. Bb5          Nhf6
35. Bc6?         Kh7
36. Ra8           Ne8
37. Nxe8         Resigns