The next Kid's Night will be Monday October 9th, 2017 - but everyone is welcome any Monday night for casual chess.
Now, for your enjoyment is a splendid game played in the 13th Chess Olympiad (2003) qualifying round.
John Edwards (2550) - playing White - needed a victory to move the United States on to the next round.
We pick the game up after John played 11. Bb3.
So far the game has gone along the 'book' lines of the French Defense - Classical System - Alekhine-Chatard Attack.
In a game played earlier that year, Anand-Bareev, Wijk aan Zee Tournament, saw a premature draw after 11. ...15, 12. Bc4, c6 13. Kb1, Qc7 14. h4 and 1/2-1/2.
If - like most people - you skipped past the last note, don't worry. This game is more exciting than that note.
11. ...... c6
12. Qf4 b5
13. h4 Ra7
14. Neg5 Nf6
15. c3 Qc7
16. Ne5 c5
17. Bc2 cxd4
18. Qxd4 Bc5
19. Qf4 Bd6
20. Rxd6 Qxd6
A remarkable decision. John Edwards knows the USA needs a win and decides to open the game up. He sacrifices the exchange to get agile minor piece play against clumsy and cramped rooks. John hopes to out-play his opponent from here on out. Igor3000 has White behind by only (-.6) instead of a full 2 pawns.
21. Rd1 Qc7
22. Qe3 Rb7
23. f4 b4
24. c4 Qa5
25. Nc6 Qc7
Black cannot pocket the a-pawn because after 25. .....Qxa2 26. Bb3, Qa1+ 27. Kc2, Qxd1 28. Kxd1 and White is winning (+4.5)!
26. Ne5 Qa5
27. Kb1 .........
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Position after White played 27. Kb1 |
John Edwards has ice water in his veins. He rejects any move repetition silent draw offer from Black and presses on for a win in an even position - while down material! Black's position is cramped
27. ........ Rd8
28. Bd3 Re8
29. g4 g6?
Black finally begins to crack and John doesn't waste the opportunity. Black needed to play 29. ....Rf8, but moving out of the center doesn't feel or look right. (+1.4).
30. h5 b3
31. a3 Rc7
32. Ngxf7 Rxf7?!
33. hxg6 Rg7?
Black delivers two stinkers in a row and now it is all downhill. 33. ....hxg6 34. Bxg6, Rg7 35. Bxe8, Nxe8 36. Qxb3 was needed for (+2.4) instead of (+3.4) pawn lead for White. John presses on to victory for the USA.
34. g5 Nd7
35. gxh7+ Kh8
36. Ng6+ Rxg6
37. Bxg6 Re7
38. Ka1! ........
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Position after 38. Ka1! |
In the BC (before computers) days of chess analysis, this move was given an (!) as a neat defensive play and the correct road to victory (+4.4 pawns up).
But, Igor3000 found a (+4.7) starting with 38. Qxb3, Nf8 39. Be4, Rxh7 40. Bxh7, Kxh7.
38. ...... e5
39. Bb1 Qd8
40. f5 Qf8
41. Rg1 Rg7
42. f6 Nxf6
43. Rf1 Re7
44. gxf6 Black resigns