LCCC had a night ten kid turnout on their night, with 6 other 'older' kids in attendance.
Then casual night had five members arrive to greet our newest member; Richard. Great to have you here.
Stay tuned for live reports from the Indianapolis Open as LCCC has some players making the trip. Live tournament feeds are always fun to see.
Now some chess history from GM Andrew Soltis:
The great chess (problem) composers led some interesting lives.
Wolfgang Pauly discovered a comet.
Alexei Troitsky was a Chief Forester in a remote Russian region.
Milan Vukcevic was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in chemistry.
Henri Rinck refined olive oil.
William Shipman was city clerk of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
And Otto Titusz Blathy of Hungary is considered the father of the electrical transformer and the alternating current electric motor.
Otto Blathy is also the "Crown Prince of Bizarre Chess Problems."
If you never heard of Blathy or if you hate chess problems - keep reading. He composed problems and studies for people who didn't care for either.
Take a look at this one.
Remember White is playing from the bottom of the diagram.
In other words it is White's move and he can promote on the next move.
White to checkmate in five moves!
Find it.
If you don't - think about this:
My chess computer - Igor3000 - has been crunching away for 5 minutes and is 30-ply deep (60 half moves) and has not found the solution.
Elementary my dear Dr. Blathy for us humans. Elementary.
Contact the Livingston County Chess Club by email at: or phone 810-599-6770.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
5,575 Kids Play at the Chess K-12 Super Nationals - Our Kid's Night is This Monday!
The Scholastic K-12 Super Nationals held their 20th tournament at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville.
The record setting number of children (5,575) playing in this event shows that chess is alive and well with the newest generation in our nation.
Any why not! Its fun, inexpensive, every game is different and the benefits to minds - both young and old - are well documented.
There are local kids tournaments fairly often.
As a matter of fact, there is a K-12 tournament on
The record setting number of children (5,575) playing in this event shows that chess is alive and well with the newest generation in our nation.
Any why not! Its fun, inexpensive, every game is different and the benefits to minds - both young and old - are well documented.
There are local kids tournaments fairly often.
As a matter of fact, there is a K-12 tournament on
August 26th, 2017 at
All The King’s Men Chess Supplies
Gratiot Avenue
MI 48066
The entry fee is $25 or $30 at the door. Current MCA (Michigan Chess Association and USCF membership is also required.
Give them a call at 586-558-4790 or 248-890-9039 or 248-761-7123
or email to allthekingsmench @ aol .com
But there is a way to play chess with other kids for free.
There is a way to practice for the tournament listed above or any tournament - for free.
There is a way to learn tournament chess etiquette, learn to record your game, learn to use a chess clock and learn to handle it all and play great chess - for free.
Or kids can come in and get lessons on any aspect of the game - for free.
Stop on by with your younger chess players in tow to the Club this Monday at 6pm to 8pm.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Remember - Next Kid's Night August 14th!
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Telephone chess. Thank God for the internet! |
We don't have that issue in the summer.
Stop by any Monday for a fun evening of casual chess.
Or have a lesson or game review if you want one. There is always someone willing to help you.
Here is an interesting finish to a game played by members at the club:
We pick up the action after a misstep by Black with 15. .....d4?
White is in control with the extra pawn, the bishop pair and better rook play available. Black has only a semi-passed pawn and a better pawn structure.
Holding for a draw seems to be in order. Trading off one of your assets is not a good plan.
White is up by +2.5 pawns at this juncture, by factoring in his positional clout also.
White's best play now is to attack with 16. f5 or b4.
16. exd4 Qxd4
17. Qxd4 Bxd4
18. c3 Bc5
19. b4 Bb6
20. f5? ...........
Too aggressive now by White without his queen, Bringing in more troops with 20. Rad1 was stronger. (White up +1.5).
20. ..... Ne7
21. c4 h5
22. Bh3 Rfe8
23. Bh4? .......
White continues to attack without all of his army. 23. Rad1 is screaming to be played. White's lead is shrinking (+1) as we are positionally even.
23. ...... Rac8??
This looks best for Black's position, but it gives White a tactical shot.
Black was looking at what move best helped his position and not at what his opponent might have in response to it.
This 'dropping of our guard' happens many times after just getting out of trouble. Sometimes after just getting out of a little fix, we step into a big one.
Needed was 23. ......Rad8 24. Rad1, c5 25. Rxd8, Bxd8 (+1.1 instead of +4.5 as it stands now.)
24. Bxe7! Rxe7
25. f6 Re6
26. Bxe6 fxe6
27. Rad1 Resigns
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