Ken Lambdin (left) and Dave Sybert start a friendly game at Teeko's. |
We had nine players tonight – including our former club
Ken Lambdin stopped by to say hello, and to let us know his
surgery went well. God answered our prayers there!
Get well quickly Ken, so you can return to top form at the
chess board and on the fishing boat!
One Club Championship game was played early. Tournament
Leader Tim Ritter’s wife is having her baby next week. Congratulations Tim on
child #3!
Well, I guess that is a good enough reason to play your
round early. I will keep the results of the game a secret until next week’s
Your author got his first opportunity to play a chess
variation called “Bughouse” and wow was that fun and exciting! As Aaron J
explained, “It is the only real team chess format.”
It goes like this; two chess boards. Your teammate has the
opposite color chess pieces that you do and a different opponent on the other
board. But you are sitting next to each other, and can communicate with each
other. You cannot suggest moves, but you can tell your partner to speed up or
slow down his play, or flat out tell him “I need a knight right now and I win
the game!”
Because what happens is when one teammate captures a piece
on his board, he gives it to his teammate – who can then add it to his board on
his move!
Very exciting and a whole lot of fun!
Now for the game of the week:
This game appeared in Chess Life many years ago. It was a
tournament game between two players in the 1500 to 1700 rating range.
The notes are from the winner (RL) with the White pieces.
Also some notes as annotated in GM Lev Alburt’s (LA) column from May 2003.
Igor3000 (I3) will also make some comments. Enjoy this entertaining and
educational game.
1. e4 d5
The Center Counter Game
2. exd5 Qxd5
3. Nc3 Qa5
4. d4 Nf6
5. Nf3 Bg4
6. Be2 ……
LA: Better here is 6. h3 and following up with g4. If Black
takes the knight, White still has the slight advantage either way says Danish
GM Bent Larsen.
6. ……. Nc6
7. O-O O-O-O
8. Be3 e5
RL: This move hurt me. [I3: Uh….yeah. Black is winning (-2)
by two pawns now.] Well, I can’t take the pawn with the knight or the d-pawn,
and re-treating the c3-knight or the e3 bishop only loses the d-pawn, so I
decide to attack.
LA: White’s moves and move order hurts him here. The move
order of 7 and 8 should have been reversed as the text gives away equality by
Black being able to get aggressive. The passive move 6 gave away White’s
initial edge in the first place.
9. Ng5 ……
RL: This move threatens many things, such as 10. Bxg4 or
LA: It was your best option.
9. …… Bxe2
10. Qxe2 Rd7?!
RL: I don’t know why my opponent played this move. I think 10….exd4
is still good.
LA: You are correct, but you forced your opponent to make
both calculations and judgments…and that rattles them sometimes.
I3: The game is back to EVEN.
11. dxe5 Nxe5
12. Rfd1 h6
13. Rxd7 Nfxd7
14. Nf3 Ng4?
RL: This last move has to be bad. [I3: It was (+1.6)] 14.
…Bd6 and Black is fine. But right now his bishop and rook are not in the game.
And I did see that if I can get my queen to e8, it’s over.
I3: Black could have struck first with the shocking 14.
…..Ba3! that would have kept the game EVEN.
15. Bd6!?? ……
RL: This move is not sound but it did shock my opponent. The
undefended bishop is attacked by four pieces and only one can capture without
the direct threat of mate. [+.8]
LA: Your goal is correct, but your method was faulty. 15.
Bxa7 [+1.4] has the same effect and wins a pawn besides. But, shock counts for
I3: Even better, but not as shocking was 15. Bd4 (+1.6).
15. …… cxb6
16. Qe8+ Kc7
17. Rd1?! …….
I3: The last move looks sound to you humans – even GM’s, who
are sort of human – but it is a blunder (-.8). Correct is a powerful
alternative but requires a long and accurate calculation; 17. Nd4!, a6 18.
Ndb5!, axb5 19. Nd5+, Kc6 20. Rd1, Ne5 21. Qc8+, Kd6 22. Nf6+, Ke6 23. Nxd7,
Nxd7 24. Qxd7, Kf6 25. g4 (+2.1).
17. …… Qf5??
RL: The losing move. My opponent had not recovered his
composure from my 15th move. 17. Ngf6 give Black winning chances.
LA: I don’t think Black has winning chances with Ngf6. White
gets three pawns for the piece and it is a very complex situation.
18. Nd5?! ……
I3: This wins too but 18. Nd4! is so much stronger (+24 compared to the text move at only +5.6). Check it
18. …… Kc6
19. Qc8+ Kb5
20. Nd4+ Resigns