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Reviewing the game afterwards helps both players! |
The winners were Tim R, Ken T, Gene M, Zach R, Americo M, Luigi M, Marcello M and Brendon M. Nice going guys.
Some games ended in draws also by Mike N-Dave S and Zade K-Vince V.
One game was postponed until later that will have a huge bearing on the pairings to decide the Club Champion!
The next and final round in the Club Championship is March 9, so open chess next week. Come on by!
And now a game between two 1500 rated players for our review and enjoyment.
1. e4 d6
2. d4 Nf6
3. Nc3 g6
4. f4 Bg4
5. Nf3 Bg7
6. h3 Bxf3
7. Qxf3 c6
White is up 1.5 pawns positionally - due to the Bishop pair, and better square possibilities for his pieces.
8. Be3 O-O
9. Bd3 Nbd7
10. e5! dxe5
11. fxe5? Ne8?
First if White played 11. dxe5 it would have raised White’s positional advantage to (+2) as he adds a pawn to his kingside attack. Black fails to find 11. …..Nd5 bringing the game to +1. Instead they split the difference (+1.5).
12. O-O-O Qa5
13. Kb1 Nc7
14. Bd2 Nd5
15. Nxd5? (Ne2 was it) Qxd5
16. Qxd5 cxd5
17. g4?! a5
18. b3 Nb8
19. c4? dxc4?
20. Bxc4 Nd7?
The errors are coming together. The simple 20…..Nc6 shrinks White’s advantage to (+.5). Now White’s advantage grows to (+2.4).
21. e6! Nb6
22. exf7+ Kh8
23. Bf4? ……..
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Black to make move #23 |
Instead 23. Be6 cements that pawn in Black’s camp until reinforcements arrive (+3.0). Instead, the game is even again.
23. ….. Nxc4
24. bxc4 Rxf7
25. Be5 Rf2?
Black hands the lead back to White. 25…..Rc8 keeps the game even instead of (+.6) for White.
26. Bxg7 Kxg7
27. Rhe1 Kf7
28. Rf1 Rf6
29. Kc2 h5?!
30. g5?! Rf5
31. Rxf5ch gxf5
32. Rb1 Ra7?
Black had to let that weak pawn go and counter with pressure on the Kingside (+.8) 32…..Kg6, 33. Rxb7, Re8 34. c5, Kxg5. Instead, Black’s rook has no scope..... and no hope (+2.0).
33. Rb6 h4?
Both players are in time trouble (+2.8). This error should close out the game by the simple gxh6. But White misses that. Still, Black doesn’t have much at this point anyway.
34. d5 f4
35. Kd3 Ra8?
36. Rxb7 Rg8
37. d6 Resigns