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Paul Morphy would know what to do. |
It has - back and forth - and probably a 'too early' resignation brought on by time pressure. Maybe you and a friend can play it out from the resignation point - with no time pressure.
1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 g6
3. Nc3 Bg7
4. c5? …..
This move has some real purpose when Black has already played
….d5, since it does grab some space. Here, when Black still has the option of
…d6 to attack the advanced pawn, it doesn’t seem very good.
[Igor3000 agrees and likes 4. e4 or Nf3, where
either move gives White a standard (+.4) of a pawn for having the extra move.
Instead Black takes the lead (-.3).
4. …..
5. Bd2 ……..
Much too slow. Best was 5. e4 to take the center (-.1). The text move is bad because Black can now counter in the center with either 5. …..b6 or d5, or the move that was made (-.7)
5. …….
6 6. cxd6 cxd6
7 7. Rc1 e5
An active idea, but it must be followed up.
8. Bg5 exd4
9. Qxd4 Nc6
It looks very natural to take the free tempo of developing
while attacking the queen, but the more active …Qa5 looks very interesting [and
was suggested by Igor3000].
10. Qd2 Be6
11. Nf3 Rc8
12. E4 a6?
slow. 12. …Qa5 is still the move. Black’s lead is gone. =
13. Be2 Qd7
14. O-O b5?
can now take the lead with 15. Rfd1, Ne5 16. Nxe5, dxe5 17. Qxd7, Nxd7 18. Nd5,
Bxd5 19. exd5 (+.7).
15. B3 b4
16. Bxf6 Bxf6
17. Na4 Qe7?
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Diagram after 17. .....Qe7? |
18. Bxa6 Rc7
19. Bb5 Ne5
20. Nd4 Rxc1
21. Rxc1 Rd8?
was 21. …..Rb8 to pin the bishop after 22. Qxb4, Qb7.
22. Qxb4 Bd7?
A rather desperate trap which doesn’t work and should have
backfired completely (+3.4).
23.Bxd7 Nd3
24. Qd2? …….
was 24.Nc6. Now the game is EVEN again.
….. Nxc1
25. Nc6 Qxe4
White returns with a fork of his own.
26. Nxd8 Nxb3
A very nice try! Taking the knight allows mate.
27. Qd1! Resigns
White is only up (+.6) after
Nxf7, Kxf7
Bg4, Qd4
Qxd4, Bxd4 and it is still a game.
But in
time pressure, Black probably only saw
…. Nc5
Nxc5 dxc5
Bc6 Qe7
Bb7 …… and White is up a knight.