Wednesday, December 31, 2014

LCCC Starts Back Monday January 5, 2015 - and a Game!

We start back next Monday! We have a lot of fun events planned for 2015, so tell all your chess playing friends to get to LCCC!
Now a game from our league. Special thanks to Gene McClure for running it thru Rybka and adding his notes. I ran it thru my Igor3000 also (see I3 notes).  

Gene McClure vs. Vince Valente 12/15/14
Analysis by[Rybka 4 x64 (15s)]
B00: Queen's FianchettoDefence, NimzowitschDefence
1.e4 Nc6
2.d4 e5
3.d5 Nce7
4.Nf3 Ng6
R: Last book move I3: White is up (.6)!
5.Nc3 Bb4
6.Bd2 Nf6
7.Bd3 a6
Controls b5
8.0–0 d6
9.h3  ,,,,,,,
R: White has an active position
Gene:  Vince said after the game he was glad I offered to trade my dark-squared Bishop, and I agree it could have helped defend f4 from his incoming Knight.  Rybka gives 10. a3 Bxc3, 11.Bxc3 0-0, 12.Re1 Bd7 (+0.3).

11.Qxd2    Nh5
R: Black has a cramped position I3: Not that cramped (.1). If Black had castled last move, the game is EVEN.
12.c4?! (= Rybka)
Gene:  Rybka gives Ng3 or Qc3.  I agree it would have been preferable to put the question to the h5 Knight with Ng3 at this point, avoiding some upcoming questionable defensive moves.

13.Nxf4 Nxf4
14.Kh2 Qf6  
after 14.......Qf6
I3: White is going backwards (-.7)
15.Rg1?!  R:[15.Ng1 Qh6=] I3: (-1)
15...g5 ³  
16.Rh1?![16.Ne1 g4³ is a -2 advantage for Black]  
R: Deflection: f3   I3: Prettier, but not as good as 16. ,,,,g4, so only (-1.4)
Gene:  (-1.0 Rybka)  White placed the wrong defender on g1 on move 15, not anticipating 16...Nxh3!

[17.gxh3 Qxf3 Overloading Deflection Discovered attack]
17...Nf4?! [17...Bg4 18.gxh3 Bxf3 19.Rg1µ]
18.Kg1 [18.g3 Bg4 19.Ne1 Ng6³]
18...Bg4 [18...g4 19.Ne1µ]  I3: (-1.1)
19.Nh2 White threatens to win material: Nh2xg4
20.Qe3 h5
21.g3 Nh3+?![21...h4 22.Nf3 hxg3 23.Rxh8+ Qxh8 24.fxg3µ   I3: (-1.7)]
22.Bxh3³ Bxh3
23.Nf3 Bg4
24.Nxg5?  ,,,,,,
[24.Kg2!? Bxf3+ 25.Qxf3 Qxf3+ 26.Kxf3µ]
25. Nh3? [25.f3 Rxg5 26.fxg4 Rxg4 27.Rxh5–+]  I3: (-3.3)
26.Rh2?! not the greatest defence [26.Kh2 Bxh1 27.Rxh1 h4–+]  I3: Now (-3.8)
27.Kf1 [27.Rg2 cannot undo what has already been done 27...Rg4–+]
28.fxg3 Rxg3    I3: (-4)
29.Ke1? [29.Qf2 desperation 29...Qg7 30.Re1–+]  I3: Ouch, now (-7)
29...Qh4 (-5.7 Rybka)
30.Qf2 Qxe4+?  
[¹30...0–0–0 and the rest is a matter of technique 31.Kd2 Bxe4–+ I3: (-8)]
I3: A blunder! Castling was the move to shut down all counter play. Now after Kd2, Whites a1 rook now can come in to help out. (-2.7)
31.Kd2 Rg2?/ (+0.6 Rybka)  I3: Advantage gone! (.4)
There were better ways to keep up the pressure [¹31...Qg6 would have given Black a clear advantage 32.Rg1 Rxg1 33.Qxg1 Bh5–+]  
32.Rxg2² Bxg2
After 32. .......Bxg2
33.Re1?  gives the opponent new chances [¹33.Ng5 Qg6 34.Qxg2²] I3: (-2.6)
Gene:After 33.Re1?:(-2.0 Rybka).Two other moves: (1) 33.Ng5! removes the Black Bishop threat to the White Knight while also forking the Black Queen and f7 Pawn.  Black can then play either ..Qg6 defending f7 (+0.6), or ..Qf4+ exchanging Queens (+0.8).(2) A club observer suggested 33.Rg1? after the game as it appeared White would win the exchange, but Black quickly obtains a Knight and two Pawns for his Rook, and the White King is left open to repeated Queen checks:  33...Bxh3, 34. Rg8+ Ke7, 35.Rxa8 Qxc4, 36.Rg8 Qxd5+ (-2.5 Rybka). I3: after 33. Ng5, see the mate threat.

33...Qf3?   forfeits the advantage [33...Qg4 34.Rg1 Qxh3 35.Rxg2–+] I3: (-.5)
34.Qxf3? [¹34.Re3 and White can hope to live 34...Qxf2+ 35.Nxf2³]  I3: (-2.3)
35.Ng5 Bg4
36.Rh1 [36.Rg1 f5–+]
37.Rg1 [37.Rh7 Rf8 38.Ke3–+]
37...Bf5  I3: (-3.7)
Gene:  (-3.0 Rybka).White resigned after move 52.  0-1.

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