Monday, August 19, 2024

LCCC Casual Chess Happening - 2024 Action Champion Crowned - and Writers Part 4


Richard Reti'

The Livingston County Chess Club meets every Monday night between

4pm and 10pm

at the Buffalo Wild Wings in the Green Oak Mall in Brighton, MI. 

Stop in for some friendly chess, good food and 'refreshments'.

Everyone of all ages and playing strength are welcome to attend. And free lessons to all beginners!

Now the winner of the 2024 LCCC Rapid Tournament was Dr. Ken Tack – going 4 – 0! Congratulations Ken!

2nd - Pete B

3rd-5th - John O, Jon C and Paul M

Thank you to all 18 players who participated.

Later, in September, we will have our 2024 Action Tournament – or game in 30 minutes per player. Look forward to that!


Writers Who Have Changed Chess History – Part IV

Richard Reti

Born in Bazin, Austria-Hungary, what is now Pezinok, Slovakia, in 1889, Richard Reti ended up leaving a great impression in Moscow. His writings are still highly regarded by Russian chess experts.

His book was called Modern Ideas in Chess, published in 1923. Another book, Masters of the Chessboard was published posthumously in 1933. 

The focus of Modern Ideas in Chess was the study of the styles of the greatest players of the past and his present. This included Morphy, Steinitz, Tarrasch, Pillsbury, Schlechter, Capablanca, Rubinstein, Breyer, Tartakower, Alekhine and Nimzowitsch. 

Richard Reti sadly died in a Prague hospital of scarlet fever at the age of 40. This left the chess world much the poorer for it. 

Other accomplishments of Reti; 

Winning a great international tournament in Gothenburg in 1921.

He also set what was a blindfold exhibition record of 29 games at once, winning 21, losing 2 and drawing 6.

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